Present your innovative water solution at Aquatech Amsterdam 2023

Are you interested in giving a presentation during Aquatech Amsterdam? We would be pleased to host you. The event takes place 6-9 November, 2023 at the Amsterdam RAI centre. Below you will find more information about the programme, the presentation criteria and registration form.

The programme
RVO is putting together the programme and an evalutation committee comprised of RVO, NWP and Water Alliance will assess your application based on the requirements below.

Your presentation should meet the following criteria:

  • be about innovation - in the broadest sense of the word
  • give substance to one (or more) of the following themes:
    • Water (availability) in combination with food supply
    • Floods and drought
    • Process and wastewater
    • Drinking water and sanitation (WASH)
    • Climate-related water challenges in urban areas
  • is about a project that is or will be collaborative between two or more parties
  • is not a marketing or sales pitch

It would be great if your presentation:

● pays attention to not only the project itself and the parties involved, but also to the Dutch water sector in general.

● offers sustainable solutions for people, nature and biodiversity. Think of Nature Based Solutions and innovative, sustainable interventions in the area of water availability.

● involves an innovation that has received support from the Dutch government in a certain phase (please indicate from which programme).

How does the registration process work?
Send your application form in no later than the 6th of OctoberThe final programme will be announced around half October, then you will hear whether you have been allocated a day and time slot for your presentation.
If your application has been approved, you will receive additional information about access to the exhibition hall and the technical facilities available in the room.

What can you expect on presentation day?

  • You will be allocated a time slot in advance.
  • Ten minutes before the start of your presentation you are expected to be in the NL Lounge room at the NL Pavilion in hall 7. A technician will be available for you. 
  • The presentation should be a maximum of 30 minutes with no extension time.
  • There is seating for 30 people.
  • Your files should be received before the start of the presentation and should be PPTX (PowerPoint, format 16:9) and video (mp4) formats. You can also bring your own laptop with a HDMI connection.
  • Two headset microphones are available for speakers and a handheld transmitter microphone for participants questions. We work with a silent disco system where participants hear the presentation through headphones.
  • The manager of the NL Lounge is authorised to change, shorten or cancel the programme. Should this happen, we cannot offer a new time slot or other compensation.

We are looking forward to seeing you at Aquatech Amsterdam 2023!