
Thursday 3rd of October


Registration, lunch, and networking  

  • Market square: Several LiT projects represented with teams to discuss and engage


Welcome and introduction to the programme   

  • Ron van Manen, Project Director, Luchtvaart in Transitie
  • Marinda Hall, host and moderator


Opening Address

  • Aad Veenman, Chairman Luchtvaart in Transitie
    Brigit Gijsbers, Deputy Director General Aviation and Maritime Affairs of the Ministery of Infrastructure and Water Management


Plenary programme

  • Tjerk Opmeer,  Acting Director General Business and Innovation of the Ministery of Economic Affairs
    Opportunity: extracting enduring earning power within a global industry in transition
  • Erik Geertsema, CEO Conscious Aerospace
    Community: constructing a cohesive community to tackle aviation’s innovation challenges 
  • International Panel: Leveraging collaboration and synergies to accelerate the transition
    - Sophie Lane, Chief Relationships Officer, Aerospace Technology Institute
    - Sébastien Dubois, Member of the International Advisory Council of Luchtvaart in Transitie and Head of Unit - Programme Development & Communications at Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking
    - Ron van Manen, Project Director, Luchtvaart in Transitie


Break and networking

  • Market square: Several LiT projects represented with teams to discuss and engage


Plenary programme

  • Lodewijk Asscher, Chairman Netherlands Sustainable Aviation Roundtable 
  • Helen Kuyper, Head of Sustainable Aviation Dept. and Deputy Director of Aviation at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
    Tenacity: the urgency, focus and commitment to address the challenges facing aviation 
  • Panel: Exciting, engaging and empowering our next generation of aviation professionals

    Featuring Birgit Otto, Chair of the LiT International Advisory Council, representatives from the Human Capital Agenda and student/young professional associations


Closing Statements

  • Aad Veenman, Chairman Luchtvaart in Transitie
  • Ron van Manen, Project Director, Luchtvaart in Transitie

17.00 - 18.30

Drinks and networking 

  • Market square: Several LiT projects represented with teams to discuss and engage